Thank You for Visiting Our Church
We pray that your visit to our church was exciting and inspiring. We are excited for you to Get Connected. God is doing amazing things at VODTSA and we would like for you to be a part of it. There are many avenues available to help you build healthy relationships, to grow spiritually and to help you prosper in every area of your life. We believe that God has a big plan and purpose for you and for your entire family. ​

We Believe in You!
As you began your walk with God and commit to the local church you will learn values that will help you be everything God has called you to be. Join us and discover how each value will hold a significant meaning in your walk with God.

Attending Church
Church attendance is very important. When you are faithful to attend church you will be prayed for, encouraged by the teaching of God’s word, and you will feel a deep sense of belonging. Church attendance can become one of the greatest blessings in your’s and your family’s life!
Active Involvement
God has a unique role for you at VODTSA. Here, you will be find that God has given you a “spiritual gift” in order to fulfill a God-given purpose as a means of helping in the church. VODTSA is the place God designed for you to discover, develop, and use your gifts to edify and make a difference in the lives of others.
Accountability is the key to being successful. To be accountable to someone is to be honest with them for specific areas of your life. When you are accountable to someone, you are acknowledging a need for God’s authority in your life. If you want to become ore than a visitor at our church, it is important for you to connect to a leader for accountability and for guidance on keeping you on the right path.

Answering the Call of God
Knowing God’s call gives meaning and purpose to your life. Finding God’s purpose for your life is one of the most exciting things you can do.
Advancing the Church
By learning all the above values, together we can advance the church through the preaching of the gospel, through guiding our families, and by generously giving our time, finances, and our gifting’s and abilities. Lastly, through our leadership, we learn how to live out our lives with a kingdom mentality.
On behalf of Irene and I, we look forward to seeing you Getting Connected here at VODTSA. We, along with our team of ministers, are here to serve you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact at (562) 217-9055.
Pastor Henry & Irene Duarte